The Virtue of Sending Salāt Upon the Prophet
by Shaikh Abd al-Muhsin ibn Hamad al-Badr
There is no Muslim except that he loves the chosen Prophet and the chief of the sons of Adam: Muhammad ibn Abdullah (SAW).
And how can the Muslim not love him, when it is he who Allah sent as a mercy to mankind, as Allah said:
"And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) but as a mercy for the 'Alamin (all of mankind)." al-Anbiva 21:107
From the rights of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) is that when he is mentioned, we send Salät and Salam upon him, (SAW).
This action is from the noblest of deeds, as has come in the hadith of Abü Hurayrah (RA) going back [to the Prophet]:
"Whoever sends one Salät upon me, Allah will send ten Salat upon him."
So, what is the meaning of sending Salat upon the Prophet (SAW)? What is the correct manner in doing so, and what are its virtues?
In this small treatise, al-Allamah Shaykh Abd al-Muhsin al-Abbad clarifies all of that. He also mentions some of the books written on this subiect in accordance with what is proven by the sound legislative evidences. Likewise, he tackles the lies, fabrications, and exaggerations which some books hold as it relates to this subject, and in particular the book Dalä'il al-Khayrät by al-Jazüli.
We ask Allah to reward the author and make this book a benefit for the Islämic Ummah. Indeed, He is the All-Hearer, the One who responds to the supplications.