Abridgement of Madarij al-Salikin The Wayfarer's Journey Towards Allah by Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Across the centuries, scholars wrote books encouraging Muslims to follow the Sunnah and devote time for voluntary worship. They also showed that this is not limited to formal and physical worship, but that there is much that comes under what is termed as the heart's action. This refers to consciousness whereby whatever a person may be doing, his deed should be acceptable to Allah and in line with the teachings of the divine
One of the best books in this field is Ibn al-Qayyim's Madärij al-Salikin, a title which may be translated as 'Steps of the Wayfarers. The Arabic title connotes something like the steps of a ladder, but they are steps along the way to a definite goal. The goal he defines as being with Allah in the life to come. Over the years the book has received much praise by scholars and general readers.
In recent years, a shorter version of the book was published, deleting the portions that are not directly related to the book's theme. Following the method of many Islamic scholars, Ibn al-Qayyim often includes a detailed discussion of a side point that occurs during his general treatment of his subject. Removing such side discussions makes the book more focused and easier for the general reader. This version is called Tagrib Madärij al-Salikin. The word Tagrib means to bring something closer, to make it easier to learn or to understand.
The present work is a translation of an abridgement of this shorter version. However, it gives a complete discussion of the theme of the original book and takes the reader along the journey in a pleasant and progressive way, using the author's flowing style.
The book takes the form of a journey which should be undertaken by believers who want to ensure for themselves the best outcome in their future lives. Its destination is to be with Allah. In other words, it is a lifelong journey towards Allah. The book divides the journey into stages, but these are not consecutive stages. Some extend throughout the journey itself, such as the stages of repentance, patience and truthfulness. Others are completed and the traveller progresses onto another stage. Ultimately, the traveller arrives at a stage of life accompanied by the stage of Allah's oneness, which is the last aspect addressed by the book. All in all, it is a pleasant journey that helps to produce the best in man.